Somerset House – Pick me up exhibition
Somerset house presented Pick Me Up, the first contemporary graphic art fair in the UK. The fair brought together the most exciting graphic artists working today.
The show comprised of 24 up and coming graphic artists nominated from an international pool of talent selected by the pick me up panel.
Some of my favourites at the exhibition were, Andy Rementer, Annelle Carlstrom, and Mcbess.
Andy Rementer grew up in the USA, and received his bachelors at the university of arts in Philadelphia. From 2005-2007 he worked at Fabrica in northern Italy. He’s the author of a comic strip tiled ‘techno Tuesday’, and currently resides in Philadelphia. His work is very cartoon like with an amazing simplicity that shines through.
Annelie Carlstrom is an artist who likes to produce what could be called extremely detailed caricatures. They are beautifully drawn and have a unique style to them.
Mcbess was my favourite artists at the exhibition; her work was exceptional with her old 1900s cartoon style. The work was made up of only black and white and she uses cross-hatching to give the pictures a shade. The work is cleverly put together and had a whitey overtone.