The tree of knowledge (of good and evil)
In the book of genesis, the tree of knowledge sat in the middle of the Garden of Eden. God told Adam and Eve that they were not to eat the fruit of this tree. One day, a serpent came and tempted Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, telling them that it would bestow them with wisdom. Eve then Adam ate the forbidden fruit, and they become aware of their nakedness, using leaves they covered themselves. After discovering their betrayal, God banished them from the Garden of Eden, making sure that they did not get to the tree of life, which would have made them immortal. God cursed both the snake and the ground, forcing Adam to survive through agriculture, meaning that he would have to work hard. He told Eve that her pains in childbirth would be greatly increased and that man would rule over her. God also placed guards at the east side of the Garden, making sure that the tree of life was protected from Adam and Eve, and their descendants. This left Adam and Eve who had been protected and loved in the Garden, to the harsh reality of the world and all its misgivings.
Ever wonder what Adam and Eve actually did? Do a search: The First Scandal.